Americans are always laughing at the British when it comes to their overreaching laws governing how food is farmed, raised and genetically modified. The Brits prefer to keep things a bit old fashioned. After looking at their women I am inclined to agree with their views on how a natural diet can produce more naturally beautiful women.
Take Rosie Jaye for instance. Her lovely boobs are fluffy and sexy. They have the perfect sag. Her shapely booty is round without being full of dimples. So I ask you: Do the additives Americans put into their food, or the food their domesticated livestock eat, cause skin problems British women do not exhibit?
Further proof can be found in girls like Savannah Boardley and Terri Jane. Both are heavenly to look at even though one is chunky and the other is a full blown plumper!
Think about this post the next time your wife goes shopping. Maybe you should push her to upscale your dietary habits. Who knows, her skin might still be young enough to recover.